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CERCASI MODELLA T.F. per progetto fotografico (MILANO)

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Last chance to apply!
Milan, Italy
Verified user
Casting ends January 13, 2025
Collaborative shoot or event
Application for this casting has been closed
Image reference for this casting
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Artista e fotografo indipendente di Milano, cerco modella (dai 18 ai 45 anni max) anche senza esperienza per realizzare in studio immagini fotografiche per foto TF o TFCD con liberatoria, al fine di ampliare sia il portfolio personale sia per progetto fotografico (mostra ritratti artistici). Realizzo uno shooting fotografico che esalti al meglio la tua immagine, unicità e originalità. Se interessata o per maggiori informazioni contattami indicando età, fotografia, ti ricontatterò per dare tutte le informazioni. Chiedo serietà e professionalità’. Mi riservo di valutare le proposte. Independent artist and photographer from Milan, I am looking for a model (from 18 to 45 years max) even without experience to create photographic images in the studio for TF or TFCD photos with release, in order to expand both the personal portfolio and for photographic project (show artistic portraits ). I create a photo shoot that best highlights your image, uniqueness and originality. If interested or for more information contact me indicating age, photograph, I will contact you to give all the information. I ask for seriousness and professionalism. I reserve the right to evaluate the proposals.


18 to 48
Maximum 185
Black/African roots
Native American
Middle Eastern
South Asian
Pacific Islander


Collaborative shoot or event


Shoot or project location


Online or in person job / collaboration

In person
Application for this casting has been closed
Photographer name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
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