In Deutsche übersetzen

Photographer based in Rome is seeking models to collaborate with for a test shoot

In Deutsche übersetzen
Rome, Italy
Verifizierter Benutzer
Casting endet 12. Mai 2024
Kollaboratives Shooting oder Event
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EN: Photographer specialized in advertising campaigns, editorials and online content, he is looking for models of any gender and ethnicity to collaborate with. In the example photos of the casting it is to make you understand what I am looking for for my future projects to create. Location: Among the streets of Rome TF collaboration in which both (photographer and model*) obtain photos to use in their profiles and portfolios. IT: Fotografo specializzato in campagne pubblicitarie, editoriali e contenuti online, cerca modelle di qualsiasi genere ed etnia con cui collaborare. Nelle foto di esempio del casting è per farvi capire cosa cerco per realizzare i miei progetti futuri. . Location: Tra le vie di Roma Collaborazione TF in cui entrambi (fotografo e modello*) ottengono foto da utilizzare nei propri profili e portfolio.


18 zu 60


Kollaboratives Shooting oder Event

Shoot oder Projekt Standort


Online- oder in Person-Job / Zusammenarbeit

In Person
Die Anmeldung für dieses Casting wurde geschlossen
Fotograf name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
5.0 (6)