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Extras for a winery tour shoot

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Expiración casting 17 de septiembre de 2017
Sesión o evento remunerado
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We are looking for 5-7 extras (men and women – all adults) who could play tourists in a winery tour in Tuscany. DATES 18th and 19 of September STORY The extras would play a role of fillers and making the place seem busy. RIGHTS Usage is in perpetuity for a VR experience of a hot air balloon ride and winery tour. The VR experience will be shown at an event and possibly on the web.




Sesión o evento remunerado
200€ per extra per day (to be confirmed with selected)

Trabajo/colaboración online o en persona

En persona
Las inscripciones para este casting ya se han cerrado
El nombre del usuario sólo está disponible para modelos Premium Unlimited