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Photographer for TFP

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Austin, Texas, United States
Usuario verificado
Expiración casting 25 de abril de 2020
Sesión o evento de colaboración
Las inscripciones para este casting ya se han cerrado


Hey Austin! I’m a photographer who decided to move to this city 5 years ago and take a break from grinding in order to further my education and corporate career. As of now, I am getting back to my passion and my portfolio....well it’s old, and I am SO much better than that now. Let’s help each other build our portfolios and launch careers we love!


Sesión o evento de colaboración
You will receive digitals for your portfolio the either next day after we shoot, possibly even the same day. I nearly always shoot to camera, inages should only require minor crop and rotation fixes.

Trabajo/colaboración online o en persona

En persona
Las inscripciones para este casting ya se han cerrado
El nombre del Fotógrafo sólo está disponible para los modelos Premium Unlimited
Calificación del usuario
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