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Seeking Models for Period Still Photography in Paris (PAID)

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Paris, France
Usuario verificado
Expiración casting 1 de julio de 2024
Sesión o evento remunerado
Imagen de referencia para este casting
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This esteemed photographer specializes in capturing the essence of history and beauty through period still photography. With meticulous attention to detail and a passion for authenticity, they strive to transport viewers to another era with each photograph. Styling to look 1960s hippy chic and smart casual. Location: Paris, France This project aims to recreate the charm and sophistication of different historical periods through still photography.


18 a 50


Sesión o evento remunerado
Models will be compensated €100 for their time and talent.

Trabajo/colaboración online o en persona

En persona
El nombre del Profesional del sector sólo está disponible para los modelos Premium Unlimited
Calificación del usuario
4.7 (70)