Traduci in Italiano

Edgy, Melancholic Fashion Shoot in Berlin

Traduci in Italiano
In primo piano
Berlin, Germany
Utente verificato
Data di fine del casting 19 marzo 2018
Servizio fotografico a pagamento o evento
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse


Dark, edgy, melancholic Fashion Shoot on Sat. March 24 or Sunday, March 25th. 4hr shoot with MU/Hair. Must be able to bring in stylish clothing, 6-10 outfits that you think look great. This is a must!!! Looking for models with unique, edgier look. Brown or dark hair preferable. For this shoot, "catalogue pretty", more traditional beauty won't work. Last 11 fashion shoots all published internationally. Please apply only if you're living in Berlin, indicate availability and apply soon. Thanks to all in advance who apply. I appreciate you all, and I look forward to hearing from you.


19 A 32
171 A 185


Servizio fotografico a pagamento o evento

Lavoro /collaborazione online o di persona

Di persona
Le iscrizioni per questo casting sono state chiuse
Fotografo name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
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