Models Portfolio

In the modeling industry, the portfolio is the cover letter. Through the portfolio, models show their experience, how they look in photos and what kind of projects they can do.

There are many opinions about what makes a good portfolio, how many photos it should include, and what kind of photos are best.

However, this can vary depending on the type of project and client.

Traditional modeling agencies usually send portfolio photos to clients depending on the type of project.

So to have a proper portfolio in your profile make sure:

Number of photos

There is no right number. As a general rule, it is recommended to have between 8 and 12 photos. However, on you can have as many photos as you want.

Be sure to prioritize the quality of the photos and not the quantity.

Type of photos

If you have experience taking different types of photos, for example, fashion, portrait, or commercial, be sure to add photos that show this.

Similarly, if you have added in your profile that you do or are willing to do certain disciplines, add photos that support that you can do it.

It is also advisable to have polaroid photos. If you want to know what they are and how to take polaroid photos you can visit this link.

When you apply to an online casting, you are looking for the photographer, brand, or professional to be interested in your profile.

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