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Improving your models profile

The first point is the most obvious. If professionals only have the information in your profile to decide whether or not they want to work with you, you have to make sure you have it complete and updated at all times.

Your profile contains a lot of information that is relevant such as your portfolio, description of you and your experience, modeling categories you have done or would be willing to do, and Instagram profile, among others.

To edit your profile, access your Dashboard. Make sure you have at least:

Profile picture

Your profile picture is the most important of all. This will be the one that will get professionals to enter to see the rest of your photos and your model profile.

Make sure that your face can be seen, that it is of good quality, and that it does not have filters. It is also recommended that you update this photo frequently to show that you are active.

Personal details

These are your personal characteristics such as age, height, eye color, or measurements. Also, the modeling disciplines in which you have experience or that you would be willing to do.

This information will be visible in your profile and will allow professionals to quickly see if you meet the requirements of the project.

In addition, it is this information that our system identifies to show you in the model directory, recommend your profile to professionals and receive invitations to castings.

Social networks and website

Linking your social media profiles and adding a website (if you have one), will serve to provide professionals who are interested in your profile with more information about you and your experience.

Also, in the case of Instagram, it serves to see more photos of you.

Models who have their Instagram accounts connected are 50% more likely to be selected for projects.

Be sure to connect a profile where there are more professional photos that can serve as an extension of your profile on ModelManagement.com.

An added effect of connecting your Instagram account is that you increase your followers and the possibility of networking with professionals, agencies, and photographers.

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