Embark on an extraordinary journey with a groundbreaking TV show that unveils the untold stories of three resilient African American men from Brooklyn NYC , determined to redefine the narrative of the modeling world. Join our crew to capture the raw essence of their transformative experiences, challenge industry norms, and inspire viewers with the triumph of ambition against all odds.
As we embark on this empowering narrative, we are currently seeking passionate and skilled individuals to fill various pivotal roles in the production of "Becoming a Model," including:
- Cinematographer
- Costume Designer
- Set Designer
- Makeup Artist
- Sound Engineer
- Visual Effects Artist
Additionally, we invite talented actors to become an integral part of our production:
- Recurring Actors: Shape the evolving characters of "Becoming a Model," contributing to the depth and continuity of the series.
- Backup Actors: Be part of our backup actor pool, ready to step in as needed to ensure the seamless production of "Becoming a Model."
This isn't just a show; it's a movement celebrating diversity, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams. Will you join us in bringing this extraordinary narrative to life!
Collaborative shoot or event
In addition to covering travel expenses and providing meals during shooting, we're excited to offer our actors exclusive incentives that enhance their experience!