Clothing Brand Campaign! EU & UK Women and Men [ 7.700€ / £6,500 ]

Casting ends July 11, 2024
Paid shoot or event
Trusted by models
Application for this casting has been closed
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Clothing Brand is looking for talent based in Europe and the UK for its next advertising campaign. - Woman from 30 to 55 years old. Joyfull and expressive. Charismatic and creative style. Of all ethnicities. - Men from 30 to 45 years old. Authentic and charmin. Of all ethnicities Shooting location: Slovenia Shooting dates: TBC, availability in July / August Rate: up to 7.700€ gross / £6,500 gross Workdays + travel up to 2.300€ / £1,940 gross Buyouts up to 5.400€ / £4,560 gross Travel expenses and accommodation covered by client All talent must have valid documentation to work and travel in Europe.


30 to 55


Paid shoot or event

Additional payment details

Rate: up to 7.700€ gross / £6,500 gross Workdays + travel up to 2.300€ / £1,940 gross Buyouts up to 5.400€ / £4,560 gross

Shoot or project location


Online or in person job / collaboration

In person
Application for this casting has been closed
Industry professional name is only available to Premium Unlimited models
Member's Rating
4.7 (75)