Nowadays, everyone with nice professional pictures sees itself as a professional model. But that’s not quite likely. You really have to be professional at your modeling job if you are serious about it. That’s why we’ve managed to gather up a set of “rules” that you should follow.

Be on time
We know you heard about the expression fashionable late, but in modeling it doesn’t apply. You have a curfew that needs to be respected.
Be nice to the team
No one likes a b*tchy attitude. You’re not the center of the universe, so don’t act likewise.
Study the shooting theme
If you have the resources. Sometimes you have mood boards, ideas, themes that the team is sharing to your shooting group so it’s nice to be prepared. Modeling is not just standing like a pile of straws, it binds beauty with acting skills. A good model passes over through the photo so much more than her beauty, it passes a self expression, a feeling, something deeper.
Be in your upmost best physical and mental shape
Leave sorrows at home and remember to always take good care of yourself. No chewed nails or yellow teeth!
Have everything talked before the shooting
Like payment, work hours, etc. It’s better to have everything straighten out from the very beginning.

Cancel a shooting last minute
Unless there is a health emergency or you’re very ill. Remember there is a whole team behind a shooting, so probably they’ve taken the day off especially for this job or there are cases where the photographer has rented cars, horses, etc. So that’s a big no-no!
Try to take over the shooting if you’re not paying
Let’s say you work for a modeling agency, they’ve hired you to do your modeling job, not to start and give out pointers to the photographer or stylist. They know best, it’s their job.
Start a fight with someone on set
We know sometimes people from the art world are more difficult than others, or more impulsive; not all characters are meant to get along. So put on a smile and just try to stay zen until the end of the job.
Leak pictures from the shooting on your social accounts
It happens sometimes that you’re pretty excited about a shooting and can’t wait to share it with your friends (and haters of course). But do ask permission before posting anything. Some companies or photographers don’t enjoy having their work already online before the final result.
Come with makeup on or your hair done at the shooting
Only if otherwise stated. It takes hours to bring a model back to a “natural condition”.

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