You only get one shot at making a first impression as a model. It’s invaluable in an industry that’s as competitive as modeling to present yourself as the perfect candidate, the full package! Makeup artists see models in all conditions, sometimes sleep deprived, jet lagged, hungover. As a matter of respect for everyone involved it’s important to remember that the relationship between model and styling team is symbiotic. You need to keep the canvas well primed so they can create the look!
Skin care
When your appearance is your career, taking care of your body and skin is the only real insurance you have. Beauty starts from the inside out, healthy diet and exercise are of course the key to maintaining a clear complexion. Eat fresh fruit and take supplements to make sure you are getting all the essential vitamins, there are tons on the market specifically for keeping your skin and hair in good condition.
Although the fashion industry has a long standing love affair with smoking, you can’t forget that it wreaks havoc on your skin, killing off any vitamin C you have and leading to dull gray skin, yellow finger tips and premature aging! The camera sees everything! It’s worth remembering that for the next time you reach for your lighter.
Alcohol and salt make your body retain water, leading to your bloating and swelling. Turning up at a photo shoot after a night of heavy drinking will cause problems for everyone! Remember makeup takes time and money, retouching even more! If you know you have a shoot in the morning, try to drink lots of water, get a good night sleep and be on top form.
Makeup is a huge part of this industry. From dramatic catwalk looks, to minimalist beauty styles, makeup plays a major role. It’s also something that shows the artist’s personal style and used correctly makes you look and feel your best. It’s a powerful tool. However, with great power also comes great responsibility! It’s important when meeting perspective employers to show yourself off in all your natural beauty.

If you are going to a photo shoot, skip the morning makeup altogether to save time and effort for the styling team. If you are going to a model management scouting shoot keep makeup to the absolute minimum. A small amount of concealer, a healthy dab of blush and a swipe of mascara is all that’s needed! Keep eyebrows groomed and lips and skin healthy and moisturized. Of course don’t forget to keep all body hair maintained (this goes for men too!) you never know what you’re going to be put into or asked to try on at the last minute.
Don’t forget: take off your makeup every night and let your skin breath!
Hair is another important part of the overall package. Vital upkeep is regular trims and if you color your hair make sure you get regular treatments both for color maintenance and for overall hair health! If you can’t afford expensive salon treatments don’t forget you can always nourish your hair at home with everyday things you would have in your fridge. The internet is full of sites that can supply you recipes for all different hair types. Everything from olive oil to mashed bananas and beer (a MUST for Catherine Zeta Jones apparently)!
Diet is also hugely important for hair care, fatty acids such as omega 3 found in oily fish are vital to keep your mane in good condition! Your hair will also go through a tough time during the shoots and shows, all the teasing and styling, heated tools and in some cases coloring and extensions will take their toll quickly on your hair.
Try and keep your style simple and versatile, but don’t feel like you have to tone down your personal style. A good hairstyle has made careers, Twiggy’s for example! Her cropped do rocketed her to international fame. However don’t turn up to a photo shoot or casting with over styled hair, especially go easy on the product (that means you boys!), nothing is worse than spending 20 extra minutes to wash and dry models’ hair!
Personal style is a great way to express yourself and standout from the crowd. If you’re attending a casting or scouting shoot, it’s important you make a good and lasting first impression. Listen to what the photographer or scout asks you, in the photo sessions we ask the models to wear jeans and bring heels (or sneakers for guys) and leave the rest up to us!
As general rule girls, NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT YOUR HEELS. It’s very important to be prepared when you are meeting potential employers. Make sure you always have a funky pair of stilettos in your handbag. Designers want to see how you move and walk in heels and if you can’t then you better start learning!
Don’t stress too much about your clothes for a casting, keep it simple, clean, and classy. Don’t show up in your best party dress or a 3 piece suit (unless that’s really what you wear everyday)! Remember the cardinal rule of fashion: when in doubt, always under dress!
At the end of the day, nothing makes you more attractive than confidence, a good attitude and friendly personality. Leave the drama and war paint at home and let your natural beauty carry you through!
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