The digital age has advanced and expanded job opportunities in every industry. To get scouted now in the modeling industry, technology has allowed models and professionals to promote themselves through social networks and platforms such as to find work and promote their projects.

How to get scouted in the Modeling Industry?

In order to stand out in the modeling industry today, it is very important to take care of your personal branding and be very consistent in all the promotional opportunities we have. In the past, it was important to go from agency to agency to be able to show your profile, work, and be known, but now with technology, you are just a click away from letting people know who you are.

  • Social networks are a good tool to show your work and make your profile known. However, it is important to keep in mind that anyone can create an account and impersonate someone else. For this reason, use social networks primarily to give voice to what you do, follow professional’s verified profiles, and keep up to date with everything that is happening in the industry, this way your chances of getting scouted will increase.
  • is the easiest and safest platform to make yourself known and meet other professionals with the assurance that their profiles are real. The platform allows you to apply to castings for modeling agencies, photoshoots, or projects where models are needed. In addition, you can contact these professionals through direct messages and build your professional network there.


The modeling industry has also expanded job opportunities by creating online projects or virtual photoshoots. From the perspective of a professional model, Nadin M. Clofen tells us about her experience working for a vision/machine learning project where they scouted different models and profiles to create software that would detect the face of these people during the day. 

“My job was to take pictures of myself for four days with different outfits. I took pictures of myself in selfie mode, with the phone’s rear camera, during my day-to-day life: practicing sports, reading, smiling, having a coffee, sitting down… The truth is that it has been quite a curious experience.” 

Many models are trying this new way of working, Nadin says that it was her first time and that she would do it again. “It has been a different experience. I hadn’t considered the option of working online as a model until the opportunity arose. When you work as a model, you work with your image and offer it to be photographed. In my case with this project and thanks to the advances in technology and the quality of my phone, I was the one taking the pictures. I would definitely repeat the experience.”

The importance of safety in these online projects also plays an important role. “I only accepted it because it came through and I knew it was a real job. If it had been sent to me by e-mail or social networks I would not have accepted it. These job offers are good opportunities to work, increase projects and earn extra money, but you have to be sure of the offers you accept.”

The most important thing to carry out this style of projects once you have been scouted is communication with the professional, Nadin says. “In these online projects, it is important to know what the client is looking for to obtain the desired result. What material the model needs to have at home, what the goal of the project is, what kind of results the client expects, are some of the questions to keep in mind.” In addition, offers the possibility to talk to the professional through the platform in a private chat to ensure that everything is safe and written in one place.

According to the importance of communication, knowing the full vocabulary of the industry is essential to ensure that you understand all terms and conditions of the job. LearnMatch is the perfect tool to learn the vocabulary in a fast, simple, and fun way. Download the app now on your phone, improve your English in the industry at any time, and take a step further in your modeling career.

A new way to work as an online content creator and model. “I would never have accepted an online job as a model, but now I would do it again. It’s been convenient, easy, and simple.”

Would you like to work from home or try this experience? Check our online castings now.

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