Meet Fresh Faces China 2013 Top Voted applicants and find out a bit more about them!

The applicants from Fresh Faces 2013 by got really involved into social media to collect as many votes as possible. But now it’s time to see who did a brilliant work! Meet the Top Voted Fresh Faces China 2013 and see who collected the most votes.
Who made it ‘big’ on the voting page? Renée Langendonk and Lewis Simz! Continue reading to discover how passionate those two are about the modelling industry.

Renée Langendonk

Modelmanagement: How does it feel to be the most voted girl/boy?

Renée: It feels incredible and unreal. I didn’t expect to be the most voted girl of China in this competition.

Lewis: I am stunned! It is inspiring to know that so many people see the hard work I have put into getting to this point and it motivates me to work harder.

Lewis Simz

Modelmanagement: How do you prepare yourself to be a model?

Renée: When it comes to finding jobs it’s all about networking, going out and talking to people. However I know that I have to be realistic and that not everyone is looking for me as their model. Different clients look for different models. It doesn’t affect my self perception when I’m not hired. Preparing to be a model is preparing to be rejected until you’re hired.

Lewis: I maintain a healthy and nutritious diet to keep my energy levels up because i also have a normal exercise   routine three times a week to keep fit. I also keep up with the fashion trends.

Renée Langendonk

Modelmanagement: What are your plans for your future?

Renée: In terms of modeling I’m planning to keep working freelance in China next to my Chinese studies until summer. Next academic year I’ll be returning to The Netherlands to start university there and I may or may not continue to work as a model, depending on my workload.

Lewis: I want to finish university while pursuing my modelling and fashion career.

Lewis Simz

Modelmanagement: How do you define yourself?

Renée: I’d define myself as someone who has a lot of self discipline and who is motivated to work hard. I’m a perfectionist and I try to push myself as much as possible.

Lewis: I am a God fearing man, I am loud, outgoing and spontaneous. I have a good sense of fashion. I am also fun, friendly, caring and adventurous.

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