Learn how to walk gracefully and comfortably in high heels with these 5 easy tips...

“Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world”

-Marilyn Monroe

They’re difficult to walk in, they’re painful, they’re completely impractical, and because of them you suffered during a fashion show? As a model, being able to walk gracefully in heels of all heights is something you vitally must know how to do.

For that reason we give you some tips on how to make high heels more comfortable…

  • Size Matters #1

Don’t assume that you know your shoe size! Squeezing your feet into tight shoes of any kind will cause blisters. If they’re too big, your foot will slide around awkwardly. Too small and your foot will feel cramped, which will make walking…a pain.

  • Heel First, Then Toe  #2

The easiest way to look like a professional in heels is to put your whole foot down at once, as if you’re wearing flats shoes, agree? First put your heel on the ground, of course followed by your toes. This will make your walk look more natural.

  • Be Conscious of Your Body #3

Engage your abs, relax your hips, keep your shoulders back, and hold your head high, to avoid the most well-known robotics posture that everyone fears. Yes it’s true, it seems almost impossible at first, but we know that eventually you will find your cadence.

  • Make little steps #4

Be careful not to make huge steps. It seems logical for some of you, but instead to make great strides in thinking that we come faster, take your time! Better move slowly, but surely. Don’t try to fight this by taking bigger steps: it doesn’t work.

  • Accidents Happen! #5

Even Naomi Campbell couldn’t help but smile when she failed in the middle of a Vivienne Westwood fashion show in 1993. So if you pick up, needless to stay cloistered at home! Stand-up and be proud of yourself with good laugh. After all, you deserve it!


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