Meri Sanz is a fashion and portrait photographer based in Barcelona, ​​Spain. In this post, she will explain how to create a fashion editorial, a kind of guide that will help you create an editorial from scratch, teaching you what elements you should have in mind, as well as how to submit your work to get published. Take note of the tips!


Create the concept of the editorial

First of all, we must start with an idea, a concept, or a story. For publishers, it is important to be clear about what we want to convey so that the result reflects what we have in our heads. To do this, we will do a search for references, to create a mood board or briefing.

The mood board or briefing is a document in which written or visual references for a project are attached as a reference. This is usually divided into the following sections: inspiration, acting, makeup, styling, and light. These are the basic sections that make up a mood board, there may be others such as references for the type of model, color palette, cinematographic, literary or musical references, location, etc. 

Model Zuzanna Rafalska by Meri Sanz
  • Inspiration is about a set of photographs that reflect how you would like the publisher to be, the aesthetics and the vibes, so to speak, that your publisher would have. This section is very important as it will make your team understand what you are looking for.
  • The acting, as its name suggests, would be how you want the model to behave in front of the camera, what emotions do you want it to convey, or what poses. 
  • In makeup and styling, we will add makeup and outfit references that we would like to have as a reference when creating the editorial. 
  • In the light section, we can add references of types of lighting that we will use in the case it happens in a studio for example, or if we require some type of artificial light.

These sections make it easier for you to present this mood board or briefing to a makeup artist, a stylist, or a model and for them to understand what you want to get from that shoot. You can even present this mood board to a magazine so that they can give you a pull letter if the project is of interest to them. A pull letter is a document where the magazine certifies that it will publish that project, this document opens many doors, especially for the stylist when it comes to knocking on the door of big brands or showrooms to lend her clothes for the publisher. The pull letter is a peace of mind knowing that this work is going to be published. 

Once the mood board is ready, we will go search for a team. It is important that the team gets along and enjoys working together, that they understand the idea and know-how to defend it with their work. 

Time to shoot the fashion editorial

One of the most important points of a publishing house is the model. And you will wonder why? Well, the model is in charge of making the reality what only exists in your head, the selection of models is very important since it will totally mark the course and result of the publication. For this, you can go to platforms such as to find your ideal model through casting. Doing so is very simple and will give you a very wide range from which to choose your perfect model. 

Model Zuzanna Rafalska by Meri Sanz

Once we have all the equipment and the ideal model, the day of the shooting arrives. It is very important to take into account during the shot, the photographic coherence. It is very important that, within your idea, of ​​course, you always try to obtain shots of all kinds, general shots, American shots, medium shots, portrait, of each look, then in post-production, we will choose the photographs, but it is important that you take all the material possible. Take risks, try planes, colors, textures, lighting… today, everything is invented, but you can always make a difference with your photographs, which will help you a lot to be able to get a prestigious magazine to publish you.

Show the results

Once the shooting is done, you will have to select and edit the photos. As I mentioned before, it is important that you take a wide variety of shots, you must remember that in the end, we are talking about a fashion editorial so the garments must look good. I personally usually choose between 2-3 photos per wardrobe look. All this, I organize it in a pdf, giving credits to the team and the garments.

Model Zuzanna Rafalska by Meri Sanz

Once you have your document, you can start searching for journals and submit it as what is called ”submission” in which journals publish your work for free if it fits with the aesthetics of their journal. Above all, do not despair if you receive negatives, the world of magazines is complicated, we are many and all trying to create the best and the most innovative. Patience and perseverance, and you will get a magazine that publishes your work. Have fun and never stop creating!

Do you want to create a fashion editorial? Find the perfect models for it on 

Photography and Art Direction: Meri Sanz
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