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Photographer: Andreas vE.
Model: Elena Cano.
ELENA CANO. 26 years old. BARCELONA. Graduated in Humanities, works at after a fulfilling career in the world of fashion.
After many years as a model, Elena decided to focus her professional life on the world of fashion “from backstage”, working intensely on everything that is behind a photograph.
Her job consists of helping many aspiring models get into modeling and continue their careers by giving them great professional treatment and, above all, very human support, which Elena always highlights as an indispensable quality for this job.

You define yourself as a fighter and hardworking woman. What is your job?
I’ve been working at for almost two years and my role in the platform focuses on moderation: the approval and denial of the profiles that enter the platform.
However, here at, we get involved with everything whatever the task or project. Although many have their specializations within the platform we work as a family and openly share what is taking place in every department. It’s a great environment as it allows you to give your opinion and ideas, learn and be a valued part of the team. Now, a large part of my job is in customer support and I commit myself to this because I am very good at working with people. The way I see it is that you can know a lot about advertising and fashion, but if you don’t like working with people you can’t get very far in this field.
Since when have you been passionate about the world of fashion?
I have always been interested in the modeling world. Since I was little I have appeared in catalogs and walked the catwalks. I studied humanities in college but majored in fashion marketing and communication. I am passionate about everything related to fashion, styling, and magazines, and I like the psychology behind it even more. You become what you wear, and it is interesting to see how we transform ourselves with our clothing and the impression it has on others.
“In the world of fashion there is a place for all kinds of professionals and all kinds of clients”

How did you get to
I have always wanted to do something in my life related to the world of fashion and modeling and honestly, in I’ve found it all. Before I was already someone, I had a career, I walked on catwalks, I knew what it was to stand in front of a camera, but eventually I started to think, “Why not work from behind the scenes?”
So I decided to take advantage of the knowledge and culture that I had gained from studying humanities, and combine what I love with in the world of fashion. I believe that there is a place for all kinds of professionals and all kinds of clients and this is a community where everyone can find work, pursue their hobby or make it their passion.
You work in the company and you are one of the protagonists of the series “Person Behind the Model”, how did it come about?
Andreas sees my passion for style and fashion, I suppose I express it daily (laughs) as I always like to dress to the nines. During the photo session, I took care of the girls’ styling as Andreas has always given me the opportunity to collaborate and during the session of this series it occurred to him to ask if I wanted to participate and, of course, I said yes.
How is your relationship with the models you deal with?
I understand the importance of models being comfortable during a shooting, therefore I always introduce myself and try to get to know them before the shoot. I recognize the dynamism of my human and professional sides, plus with Andreas’ passion and energy, magic can really happen. The shooting was an example of that, the effort of the models and team was incredible and even though it was a long day in the studio, time flies when you’re having fun.
“Fashion is art, it is culture and it is wonderful”
How do you feel in front of a camera?
I had been a model until relatively a few years ago. It is a world that I am passionate about and I have seen it from all angles. I believe that with time you can come to know if it is your vocation or if your destiny lies elsewhere. It happened to me, I am passionate about being in front of the camera, but I could not dedicate myself to it professionally. But as a hobby I love it, I adore feeling that magic of being the protagonist or wearing the clothes of a designer with pride. Fashion is art, it is culture and it is wonderful. When I get in front of the camera, for me it is much more than being in front of a lens, I feel a part of something bigger because I know that behind the lens many people are working very hard for amazing results.
“Thanks to social networks we are beginning to show that reality, normality and authenticity are what counts”
The world of fashion has always been under the spotlight due to the extreme sizes to which the models are generally exposed. What’s your opinion about it?
I have always criticized that the designer does not design for women, but that it is the woman who adapts to the dress. If you keep chasing these extreme sizes, then they will continue to create for these standards. I suppose that thanks to social networks we are beginning to show that reality, normality and authenticity are what counts and that authenticity is not a size 32.
Although there are those who still cling onto the size 32 standard, there is a lot of work for models outside of those parameters. I think there is a duality: those who still hold on to old ideologies, and those who have adapted and are committed to a real change. There is still a lot of work to be done, that is why we must educate the new generations to pioneer diversity.

After your professional experience in the world of fashion, what main advantage would you highlight about
I can tell you that I invested many hours of my life doing castings and moving around continuously from the age of 14 to 20. I wish I had had a platform like then, it would have been wonderful. It facilitates professionals’ lives, gives applicants great opportunities, and speeds up procedures. When I came to learn about I fell in love with the platform immediately, alongside Andreas’ passion for his work I believe this is really going to shape the future of modeling and be a huge success.
Can anyone easily join the community?
That’s precisely it! is an ideal tool for stylists, photographers, and models, aspiring and professional. If you are a startup, designer or fashion student and you need models for a project, this is the ideal platform. It’s there to help anyone who needs it, without any barriers and with total security.
“To be successful, you should never have to settle. You have to be persistent and knock on all doors”

What advice can you give to users?
To be successful you should never have to settle. You have to be persistent and knock on every door. If you really want something with all your heart, fight and don’t be happy with just participating or staying in the background. You have to be strong, brave and try to reach as many people as possible, make people get to know you, tell them who you are, what you stand out in, and what you can offer. Things are not given from one day to the next, everything requires time and effort, but with perseverance and a good heart, life will put you where you want to be.
Finally, I see that you are a very human and thoughtful person. What are the main values in life for you?
What I look for in people: loyalty, sincerity. I love committed people, they are the engine of everything and they give the security that we all seek. And finally, sweetness. I believe that when someone is sweet, they love and act with love, affection, generosity, and passion.
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